Brand insights

Supercharge your brand growth with powerful insights.

Discover what makes your brand unique with agile solutions

Measure and elevate your brand performance with solutions combining powerful technology, precise forecasting and proven brand expertise, so you can act fast, stay competitive and win.

Brand tracking dashboard
Brand performance monitoring

Empower your daily marketing decisions

Stay ahead of the competition with always-on, predictive tracking of your brand performance.


Brand tracking

Brand equity dashboard
Brand equity evaluation

Identify brand growth opportunities

Guide your brand toward growth with a quick, point-in-time assessment of your brand equity.


Brand equity measurement

BrandSnapshot dashboard
Free brand equity assessment tool

Discover your top brand equity indicators in seconds

Get a quick read on the performance of your own and competitor brands instantly and completely free.


Brand equity snapshot

In-market ad testing
Campaign effectiveness

Optimise campaigns to support brand objectives

Make fast campaign investment decisions by measuring in-market creative performance.


Creative mix optimisation

BrandDynamics, BrandEvaluator, BrandSnapshot and BrandCampaign are Kantar BrandTek solutions combining Kantar brand expertise, forecasting and technology, so you can act fast, stay competitive and win.


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Proven solutions

Measure your brand’s performance using our extensively validated brand equity framework proven to predict purchasing behaviour.

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Deep brand expertise 

Backed by a database of over 20,000 unique brands, our analysis is uniquely positioned to help you grow brand value.

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Agile brand insights

Automation means you get your insights quickly, allowing you to act at the speed your business demands.

Brand eBook
Building a strong brand
Track and strengthen your brand equity with the right tools at your fingertips.
Download your guide