Creative Development & Evaluation

Develop extraordinary creative that is also effective, so you can stand out and grow your brand.
Creative development and evaluation feature image

Uncover human insight for winning creative

Build a robust foundation for your creative platform, based on relevant human truths and an understanding of consumer behavior.

Maximize ROI from your ads

Optimize your creative to stand out, create meaningful impressions, and drive brand growth in the short and long-term.

Make your creative go further

Learn which markets your creative could successfully transfer to, with our predictive AI model.

Take the guesswork out of advertising ROI

Predict creative effectiveness in 15 minutes, with this fully automated AI-powered tool.
Featured solutions
Grow your brand with extraordinary creative. Know how your ad will perform, and how to improve it to maximize ROI.
Get insights at the speed of business; high quality sample, validated solutions, self-serve surveys and expert consulting.
Kantar Creative Effectiveness Awards
Discover the most creative and effective ads from 2023, and learn how to predispose more people to connect with your brand. 
Find out more