Beverages Consumption and Personal Care Usage Panel

We monitor CPG purchasing and consumption trends across retail channels, through the biggest consumer panels globally.

Want to learn more?


By constantly monitoring the market for food, beverages and household products, we offer accurate benchmarks showing how brands and retailers are performing based on key measures. Our dedicated consumer experts use those measures to deliver actionable FMCG insights.

Key features

Accurate benchmarks

See how you compare to competitors on measures like sales, purchase occasions, penetration, loyalty and more.

Dedicated consumer experts

Get actionable insights to shape and support your marketing and communication strategies and your trade opportunities.

Accurate understanding of hard-to-reach markets

Specialist panels in impulse products, beverages, baby care or pet food are also available in much of our global network.

Related solutions
Create brands with a sharp, differentiated and consistent positioning and clarity of purpose, with NeedScope.
Understand how, when, where and why consumers are consuming beverages, to make good marketing decisions.
Purchase and consumer panels for personal care products, cosmetics and treatments.